Peanut oil is a kind of oil series product widely used by many families at present and the quality and mouthfeel of peanut oil are very good, so do you know how to prevent the deterioration of peanut oil?Next let me keep you informed of the following details as much as i can.

First of all, choose storage vessels of peanut oil. For example, choose ceramic jar when there are a lot of peanut oil and try to decrease the mouth diameter of container; choose lightproof fuscous glass bottle when there is less peanut oil. After fully filled with peanut oil, bottle mouth should be sealed in order that peanut oil can be separated from air as well as the oxidation and deterioration of edible oil can be prevented.

Secondly, storage vessels of peanut oil should be placed in shade, dark, dry place with low temperature because ultraviolet ray and infrared ray from the sunshine can promote the oxidation of grease and accelerate the formation of hazardous substances.

Thirdly, prevent high temperature. The storage temperature should be best between 10℃and 15℃ and generally should not exceed 25℃. Besides, it is not proper to store peanut oil in summer and try to purchase fresh peanut oil as well as frequently eat fresh peanut oil, and water can not be mixed into peanut oil, otherwise, it is easy to make grease emulsify and muddy, go bad. Meantime, add hot oil to peanut oil according to the scale of 40:1 so as to reach the purpose of absorbing water.

Finally, prevent the oxidation and deterioration of peanut oil. When peanut oil can not be finished eating within a short period of time, choose a little wild pepper, fennel, cassia, clove, vitamin C and so on antioxidants and add them to peanut oil to postpone or prevent the oxidation and deterioration of peanut oil.

All in all, i really hope that all above important information can be useful and helpful to all of you, thanks a lot!