Have you ever heard of mini butterfly cookies?It is a kind of snack and delicious, beautiful, so do you want to cook them?If yes, please follow me and let me inform you of the cooking methods of mini butterfly cookies as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare cake flour 110g, hydrogenated margarine 90g, then pour cake flour into a pan and add melted butter to this pan as well as use chopsticks to stir them into cotton-shaped, later, pour appropriate clear water into this pan and knead them together into dough as well as put it into the refrigerator for cold storage 30 minutes.

Secondly, cut hydrogenated margarine into small chunks and put them flat into a freshness protection package as well as use rolling pin to roll into rectangle, next put it into the refrigerator for cold storage, just the same as the dough. Then take out well refrigerated dough and use rolling pin to roll into big thin chunk, a littler larger than that of hydrogenated margarine, and put hydrogenated margarine above the dough, fold them up from all sides and use rolling pin to roll into big thin chunk, then fold them up from all sides and use rolling pin to roll again as well as continuously cook in this way for 3 to 4 times. At last time, use freshness protection package to package it and put it into the refrigerator for cold storage a while.

Thirdly, take out well refrigerated dough and use rolling pin to roll into big thin chunk as well as remove the irregular part at sides, smear a layer of clear water above and sprinkle appropriate white sugar above at the same time as well as roll it up from both sides to the center line, next cut it into thin pieces and put them into a ovenware as well as put this ovenware into the oven with the temperature of 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. Later, you can eat them as happily as you can.

All in all, might as well cook them for you and your family as fast as you can if you want so that all of you can enjoy a pleasant eating time.