Duck meat has the function of removing internal heat and it is better for people who have low fever, weak physique, loss of appetite, dry stool and edema to eat, therefore are you interested in it?Here is a dish called‘‘Braised potatoes with duck meat’’ worthy of your learning, do you want to know more?Today i would like to keep you informed of the following cooking methods as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare half a duck, 2 pieces of potatoes, appropriate garlic. Remove the peel of potatoes and cut them into pieces with appropriate shape as well as use clear water in a basin to soak them, then cut garlic into minced and wash duck till clean as well as thoroughly remove its internal organs and duck fur on its appearance. After that, cut duck meat into pieces with the shape that is slightly larger than that of potatoes pieces.

Secondly, pour appropriate cold water into a pot and boil it till boiled as well as put duck meat pieces into this pot, then boil them for a while and it will be ok when a layer of oil on its appearance can be seen. Then get duck meat pieces out of this pot and put them into a basin as well as put minced garlic into it, add appropriate light soy sauce, salt and five spiced powder to this basin, next evenly stir them together.

Thirdly, pour appropriate oil into a pot and heat it till a little hot as well as pour mixed duck meat pieces into it, then stir-fry them till fragrant and creaking. Next put potatoes pieces into this pot after having them dried and stir-fry them together for a few minutes as well as pour appropriate cold water into this pot and cover it with pot cover so as to braise them for more than 10 minutes, later, till potatoes pieces become soft and duck meat pieces become boiled, get them out of this pot and pour into a plate as well as the whole processes are finished making.

If you are fond of eating this fish, cook it as fast as you can so that all of you can happily enjoy eating this delicious dish.