Ireland is also called the Republic of Ireland, which is located in the north Atlantic, whose eastern orientation is the United Kingdom. Also, the Irish Sea lies in the middle of Ireland and astern orientation of the United Kingdom. And the northeastern orientation is the North Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom and belongs to it. Besides, the territorial area of Ireland is 70,280 square kilometers, among them, the land area of Ireland is 68,890 square kilometers, and the water area of Ireland is 1,390 square kilometers, as well as the length of the coastline of Ireland is 3,169 kilometers. As a matter of fact, the natural environment of Ireland is very excellent and perfect, which is the reason why this country is also called “emerald island state”. Also, there are plenty of green plants and trees as well as rivers in Ireland, so Ireland is also called “green island” or “green gems”. Thus, let’s learn something important about these famous tourist attractions worthy of your travelling in Ireland as follows.

The first famous tourist attraction is the Giant’s Causeway. To be honest, regarding the formation of the Giant’s Causeway, there are two explanations, one is that it is related to the ancient legend, and another is that the formation of it can be explained by the science. From the perspective of science, the formation of the Giant’s Causeway is almost related to the volcanic activities in around 5 or 6 million years ago. Furthermore, the Giant’s Causeway is the most famous and popular tourist attraction in this ancient and beautiful island and is also the first world heritage of Ireland. Also, the second explanation is that the Giant’s Causeway was built by a brave Ireland hero named Finn MacCool, and the purpose of building the Giant’s Causeway is to provocate the Scotland Giant.

The second famous tourist attraction is the Cliff of Moher, which is surrounded by the western coast of the Clare County, which is very precipitous and rugged. However, it provides a natural platform for tourists to appreciate and sightsee the great and magnificent as well as beautiful landscapes and sceneries of Atlantic. Moreover, the total length of the Cliff of Moher is around 8 kilometers, and the highest place of the Cliff of Moher can reach to 210 meters.

The third famous tourist attraction is the Spire of Dublin, which is located on the O’Connell Street and has a height of around 120 meters as well as was built in 2000. What’s more, the construction of the Spire of Dublin is a part of the improvement projects of public places in Ireland. Also, the bright steel surface will become brighter and brighter when they are irradiated and reflected in the sunshine or their inner lights. And the wobbling amplitude of the Spire of Dublin can reach to 1.5 meters when the wind blow strongly.

In addition, we really hope that all the important information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you. Thanks!