Eggplant is a kind of herbaceous plant and always grows in tropical zone as well as its color is mostly purple or purple black or light green or white. Besides, its shape is round, oval, pear-shaped and so on. So do you know how to select it? The following information is quite worthy of your viewing.

First of all, see color. Good and tender eggplant should mainly be reddish purple or murrey or quite pitch-black and bright. Besides, this kind of eggplant should be very beautiful at first sight and worthy of your choosing and purchasing. Otherwise, if the color of eggplant is dim and recst, this means this kind of eggplant is old or going to be bad immediately, so certainly do not purchase this kind of eggplant.

Secondly, find calyx. In a connected place between calyx and fruit of eggplant, there is a strip of white and greenish ribbon pattern ring, and the bigger, the more obvious this ribbon pattern ring is, this means that this kind of eggplant is more tender and delicious. On the contrary, this kind of eggplant is quite old and its mouthfeel and quality is very bad.

Thirdly, look at the appearance. Good eggplant seems very uniform and does not have spots or gaps. Furthermore, remember not to purchase these eggplants with not uniform thickness and many crumples because they have been placed for a long time.

Finally, touch eggplant. If this kind of eggplant is neither too hard nor too soft when being touched, you can choose and purchase it, whereas, this means that this kind of eggplant is a little old when it is very hard.

All in all, I really hope that all above information can be useful and helpful to all of you, many thanks!