Have you ever eaten steamed rice cake in childhood? What do you think of it? If you are interested in it, please follow me and let me inform you of the making methods of steamed rice cake as much as i can.

First of all, we prepare rice 300g, put rice into a pan and soak rice in the water for 3 hours as well as use food processer to grind well soaked rice into rice milk as carefully as you can. Next pour well grinded rice milk into a pot and turn on the small fire and stir it evenly till sticky.

Secondly, cool sticky rice milk and add appropriate yeast powder to it as well as add a little baking powder to them, then evenly stir them and ferment them for an hour and a half. Meantime, you will see honeycomb shape if being well fermented and add a little white sugar to it according to your own hobby as well as evenly stir it.

Thirdly, pour this well fermented mixture into a mould and pour appropriate water to a pot as well as heat it till hot, later put this mould into this pot and steam for 25 minutes.

Therefore, delicious steamed rice cake is finished making and all above making methods are so easy that you can make it as often as you can for your children as well as the adults can also eat it because it is very easy to digest and has delicious taste. So are you tempted?